With low winds and sunshine on this 48th edition will we see the record held by Sean Rice broken? Mads Brandt Pedersen has been quite close to Sean Rice’s time last year. Falling short only one minute and nine seconds away. The circumstances are favorable, the little wind there is will be pushing the athletes in their backs for a big part of the course today.

Who ever wins today, Mads brandt Pedersen, Hamish Lovemore Jeremy Candy, Adrian Boros, Stephane Boulanger or Miguel Lorenss, too many big guns to mention, will have a fair chance today.
For the ladies we expect a fierce battle between Zsofi-Czellai Voros and Krisztina Bedocs, who will now start along with the master men which will change the dynamics of wash riding for the top women competitors. “The master men will provide us with bigger waves then the light and fast junior boys.” as Zsofi stated.
List of fastest race times
47th edition 2019 Mads Brandt Pedersen: 1:38:11.17
46th edition 2018 Jose Leonel Ramalho : 1:37:28.36
45th edition 2017 Sean Rice: 1:36:52.17
44th edition 2016 Jose Leonel Ramalho: 1:43.09.71
43rd edition 2015 Tim Pendle: 1:40:16.5
42nd edition 2014 Jose Leonel Ramalho: 1:42:15.4
41st edition 2013 Joep van Bakel:
40th edition 2012 Manuel Busto Fernandez: 1:42:16.00
39th edition 2011 Manuel Busto Fernandez: 1:40: 20.00
38th edition 2010 Joep van Bakel: 1:46:41.00
47th edition 2019 Zsofi Czellai Voros: 1:44:09.92
46th edition 2018 Lizzie Broughton : 1:47:52.54