1st Online Amsterdam Waterland Marathon

Inspired by Australian Paddle Sports Virtual Kayaking tour we have decided to host our 1st international online marathon.

How does it work? Go kayaking, or use an ergometer. Paddle for 24 kilometers with two portages or 14 kilometers with one portage for junior and save your time when you reach the 24 or 14 kilometer mark.

Our race classes are:
Short distance 14 kilometers
-Junior women K1
-Master/ Veteran women K1

Long distance 23 kilometers:
-Junior men K1
-Senior women K1
-Senior men K1
-Master men K1

Done? Then email your time to: info@amsterdamcanoemarathon.com

For the winners of this race small prices are available to be picked up at the 48th Amsterdam Waterland Marathon at 17th of april in 2021.

Posted in Geen categorie.